Tuesday, August 16, 2011
What are the 10 easiest Liszt piano pieces?
I just wanted to know in your opinion what the 10 easiest liszt piano pieces are, I learned a really easy Etude in D minor, it was allegretto, But a lot of his stuff is really difficult, so i wanted to know if here were 10 that were easier.
What does this words means?
Something has happened to remind Harry of a dramatic event some years ago, when Hagrid smashed down a door. It takes him back,so vividly that he can almost hear the sound echoing down the years between the two events. Intervening just means coming between.
How do human begins react by nature to slavery?give out to phrase that gives dougl's opinion.?
although slavery was a delicate subject, and very cautiously talked about among grownup people in maryland i frequently talked about it---and that very freely---with the white boys. I would, sometimes,say to them, while seated on a curbstone or a cellar door."I wish i could be free, as you will be when you get to be men.""You will be free, you know,as soon as you are twenty-one,and can go where you like but I am a slave for life. Have i not as good a right to be free as you have?''Words like these i observed, always troubled them; and i had no small satisfaction in wringing from the boys,occasionally, that fresh and bitter condemation pf slaver, thatsprings from nature, unseared and unperverted.
I wanted to try some natural remedies for allergies. Can quercetin, nettle, and erbur be taken together?
Yes, those three are perfectly safe to take together and are often used for respiratory health and/or allergies... although the erbur is more commonly used for healthy blood vessel tone in the brain, so I haven't heard of that helping with allergies directly. Good luck with your allergies!
What movie?
boy sees a glint of lite in a feild outsde his window and looks for it then medievil tye **** happens witches and ****
What do feminists think of men who served in the military? Do they admire them or treat them like all men?
Deep question. Why even worry about things like this? People do what they want and there isn't any logic to it. I like to watch the stars at night. Does that make me a cosmologist? I even like to fish in the rain. Kinda weird huh.
What should I do????????????????????????
Ok so there's this ugly *** bXtch that tried to fight me in school and she was talking shiz and stuff so I was like wtf so when she walked away i ran up to her and y slammed her to the floor by her hair, so she tried to get up but i kept punching that slut over and over until a teacher came and seperated us. Now we got suspended and the bxtch wants to get at it agian i was like ok idgaf. so her mom came to my house w/her ugly asws daughter and her name is anna by the way and anyways she came up to me and we started fighting and stuff and I beat her ssssssss again but she still wants to get at it, so this time at school I went up to her and said wtf is ur problem i got down w/u like a million times and i beat ur s. and she was like shut the *** up u stupid and then she pushed me i tried to get at her but everyone waz holding me bak and so i calmed down and went to my house for the day. so now she comes to my house sayin she wants to fight wat shud I do shud I go to her house riight now and get down or what?
How tall do you think this guy is, and how much do you think he weighs?
How do i make a pattern for this dress?
ill make a pattern 4 u...u just need to get the big bow, ons, zipper, measurements, and the type of fabric u want...a href="http://s400.photobucket.com/albums/pp89/dramaticgiirl/?action=view¤t=scan0001.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://s400.photobucket.com/albums/pp89/…/a
55. Design a program to scan groceries at a checkout.?
So is this a question or just your homework/ What language are you using to program (programming language)/ More infomation please. You can also get programming help at www.programmersheaven.com
Do Shias know what grave a sin they are committing in regards to Aisha, Abu Bakr and Umar (RA)?
The way they say such hateful things about these sahabis. The Prophet (SAW) said that no one can compare with his sahabis so who are Shia to call the hypocrites? I was shocked when I heard how some Shia call Aisha (RA) and adulteress. Do they not know that what their doing is so grave a sin that it could make them non-believers? Do they not fear Allah?
Can you give me your opinion about this poem?
In some ways it reads like a sestina. It has an interesting rhythm. I'm actually fine with the amount and way you've alternated the repetition here. I think it works.
Civilization (Game) help?
I have never played a Civilization game before but I'm thinking of getting into it know. I like Age of Empires. I'm thinking of getting either Civ 5 or Civ 4. I think Civ 4 would be cool because of the religions. Should i spend my money on this and if yes then which one? Is the religions a big part in Civ 4?
Geometry Questions...please help.?
go to ask.com and type in the question on the search bar and at the top of the screen it gives u the answer
Please help, I feel like I'm at a crossroad?
I don't see why holidays are obligitory. Either you're cutting them off or not. Of course your husband would probably feel caught in the middle, and probably visit her anyway, by himself, which would make you and him both feel bad. You decide. I know you'll make the right decision. God bless!
My mouse is frozen after attempting a system restore?
when u restore ur system u must have to un-plug ur mouse once and then back to its position.And then restart ur computer and u'll findout no problem with ur mouse....
Just enlisted as a cavalry scout?
I just enlisted as a 19 delta Cav Scout and was wondering if anyone with cav experience could fill me in on anything I should know. All info is greatly appreciated. Thanks to all
Did I do the right thing by shooing my twin sister away because I thought about what other people might think?
Who cares what others think? I used to stay over at my best friends house and sleep in the bed with her with no problem. You thinking about is the weird thing. If your sister wanted to sleep with you because she wanted to make a memory with you before she leaves could have been special but you went and ruined it.
Travelling internationally with a dog
I am going to be flying internationally with my dog and am looking for a good pet carrier. My dog is 4-5lbs and will be travelling in the cabin. I need something that is roomy, comfortable and that fits underneath the airline seat. Does anybody know of any good kinds to buy?
Why is my Daily Digest not generated for several days when messages were posted every day?
My group members receiving daily digest eventually get a digest, but only when 25 messages are posted--even if that takes several days of activity. The group is 'unlisted' on Yahoo, but I don't THINK that has a bearing...Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Scented Fish Attractants not working???
Hi, lately I've tried out a fish attractant, "Fin Essence", which didn't do squat. I cast it out and the oils just disipate from the lure and I'm left with nothing. I even marinated rubber worms in the stuff for atleast a week and didn't even get a single bite. I'm going to try Berkley Powerbait B Attractant now. Is there any specific way I'm supposed to be applying this or are these "fish attractants" just a bunch of garbage?
What country is more violent?
Well, during the Cold War in the 1980s, I think both countries were equally hostile toward one another. Now, I don't know what it is like in Russia because I've never been there. But the US has become a very violent nation. Just watch American television for a day, and you will see how violent our society has become. Usually the news is the worst thing to watch - I never let my kids watch the news! There is always a story about somebody being killed somewhere; it's really sad.
I have noted this is America -in Blacksburg, VA - Strangers on the road smile at me, some say hello?
People here tend to smile and greet even a stranger if they make eye contact. If a person says "how are you?", you're just supposed to say "fine, and you?" Something really quick like that. They don't really want to know your life story, it's just a quick acknowledgement.
an aircraft is travelling 250m/s at an altitude of 12250m when a piece of ice falls off the wind and falls to the ground. if there is no air resistance, the equation of the parabolic path in standard form is given by y-12250=-(4.9/62500)x^2. DETERMINE ALGEBRAICALLY THE COORDINATES OF THE POINT WHERE THE ICE HITS THE GROUND.
Rat eating plants?
I like keeping plants around my desk area at work. It helps to liven up my work area. But when we are closed and everyone is gone, the rats come out. The rats have formed a taste for my plants. Is there something that I can put directly on my plants or in the soil that will keep the rats away?
What are your tips advice for college?
Your freshman GPA could hurt you a tiny bit, but not significantly. As long as your GPA throughout the last 3 years is 3.8+. But your SAT score...my god. Is that out of 1600? If not, you should start looking at state schools. You'll need another 1000 points to get into Ivies.
Catalina Island as a vacation? Please answer if you have ever been?
My friends birthday is coming up and we are thinking bout going to catilina island in california. I wanted to know where some decently priced hotels are. Maybe you can give me the link to a web site. Thanks so much
What can I do? Step Dad being abusive?
My Step Dad is being very abusive, verbally at home. He is VERY aggressive, and screams at people for the smallest things, once he went berserk because half a centimeter of milk was in the bottom of the bottle when I threw it out, and he didn't want it on the floor... Anyways, basically my mum now wants to split up with him, and when she first said it, we wanted him to leave, but he kept going nuts and eventually threatened my mum with physical abuse, before saying he 'wasn't going anywhere'. He calmed down, and we were selling the house, but he's making my little sister, who's 11 years old, miserable because he keeps picking on her. Yesterday my mum asked him politely to stop, and he ends up going berserk and storming off. Now the thing is, we would like to get an injunction, but he earns the money, so if he is gone, then we would pretty much be in trouble financially, at least for the time being until my mum could get a job. I REALLY need help with this, I have been in touch with the NSPCC but my mum says she doesn't want authorities involved yet, and she is scared if we get an injunction he will make it so NEITHER parent has custody of the children just to 'get even' with her. What can I do? I live in London, in the uk, if that is any help. Thank you so much!
How long should I leave this hair dye in?
I have black hair and I amm bleaching 4 small sections then going to dye it purple...Its "purple pion" and the brand is color jamz. How long should i leave it in for so it will stay in longer without washing out so much and fading? Thanks:)
I didnt get any tickets but have to go to court?
SWIM got tickets for paraphernalia (there was 2 objects) and an MIP,i ended up going to the hospital with alcohol poising and about a week later my parents got a letter saying that i had to go to court. what could this be for?The alcohol? the paraphernalia?im 17.
Does this make her a bitchy backstabber?
Okay so my 'friend' was telling me that i should tell Weston (the guy i like) that i like him. I didn't want to but she persuaded me to so i did. then he told me that she dumped her boyfriend for him!! She couldn't have just told me? Plus, she said, "Oh Cami, you have to tell him while he's still single cause he won't be for long and you know it," and now they're together 'officially, thirty minutes ago." So she knew that I liked him and she went for him anyways? plus her boyfriend was like in love with her...so is she a bitchy backstabber?
What would happen to someone who became disillusioned while in heaven?
This happened in the bible. Infact satan was once an angel. He decided he wanted to become more powerful than got so he fought against him but god cast him to hell. That is where hell was created and thats where satan came from.
How ineffective is our supreme court?
Just wait until someone snaps because of grief and shoots one of them. The gov dam* sure won't protect them. They will go to jail and those haters will be protected. Makes me sick that this is being allowed.
Should i put marshmallon in this deck?
if ya really want it in then take out a hamon ... if not take out a hamon anyway and put in another pegasus if you can
How do I know if I'm IN LOVE with my girlfriend or just love her?
if you have to go on y/a and ask random stranger, then you are not in love. try to take some time apart and see how things work out. good luck.
Running vs rollerblading, best answer ten points!?
So whenever I rollerblade my legs don't hurt or get sore after at all. However, when I run my thighs kill. I thought you used the same muscles for both, but apparently not since this is happening. What is the difference between the two? Since it hurts more to run, does that mean that's better for me in terms of losing weight?
Tshirts allowed at boomerang bay/kings island in mason, ohio?
Hi, I'm going to kings island/boomerang bay on thursday, so if this question gets answered before then, I'll be forever grateful. But I'm concerned about burning at boomerang bay, I burn VERY easily, and to top it off, on a medicine where I'm not supposed to be in the sun. So I was wondering if I'm allowed to wear a tshirt over my bathing suit there? Around, in the pools, on the rides, etc. I've been there lots of times before, but can't seem to remember haha. Thanks so much! I just hope I can get some replies before I go on thursday!
How well does mira hair oil work?
I recently purchases this oil from growfabuloushair.com and im mainly buying for my hair to grow longer, i was wondering how well it actually grows hair. Does it grow it fast or will i have to wait forever? i would like to grow more than an inch every month. Does it do that?
Crime rates in greenwich and bexley?
can someone list most of the crimes committed (shootings, stabbings, car theft ect...) in the greenwich and bexley areas in the last 4 months. thanks P.S its for a project im doing
Are the tragedies of King Lear Fate, or a result of Human Failure?
To qualify as a tragedy, the main character must experience a downfall that is made through some fault in their own character. The question must then be whether Lear acts with reckless and callous words and deeds knowing their potential for destruction, or did he just let his pride get the better of him. In my book, Lear is the author of his own tragedy, which sadly is a very common human failure. Hope this helps. IbI
Why are there no doented cases of AIDS in Africa until 1982 even though in America it goes back to 1979?
Doentation is unreliable in Africa. It is a known fact that HIV is common in species of monkey that live in Africa, and that African tribes hunt monkeys for food (so called bush meat). It doesn't take a genius to realize that a cross species jump occurred because someone in Africa must have eaten monkey flesh raw or perhaps even drank the blood of the monkey.
Are there any books about a love affair with the roman catholic church official? Fiction books?
Like a young woman or nun, falling in love or lust for her priest or a religious man?? Yes, kind of like a scandalous book? Yes, I am weird for wanting to read a book about this.
Im trying out for high school cheer this march any tips?
Smile, for learning things try to get in the front its always so much easier then trying to see from back, when ur bring judged don't look directly at the judges. Pick a spot and don't look around,don't "whoo-hoo" when spriting u can get points taken off. Try your best and if you don't make it then just keep trying!!!
Didn't the U.S.A and the Confederates go to war with each other; how can you support the U.S and the Confeds?
This is a serious question: I see and hear people supporting the Confederacy all the time and I find nothing wrong with supporting your own government. My issue is: How can you consider yourself a confederate and still support the U.S.? Weren't their ideas so different that they went to war with each other at one time in history? To me at least, each government supports completely opposing ideas and I don't understand how you can consider yourself both. My intentions are not to offend anyone, I know there are still a lot of Confederates living in the U.S. and I am only asking this because I truly don't understand. Anyone have a legit answer?
NYX Dupe for MAC Shadow Jest?
Hey guys! I was wondering-- since I don't really want to spend the money on MAC products at the moment, I was wondering if there is a cheaper alternative/nyx dupe for the MAC eyeshadow "Jest." I would prefer NYX over any other brand because I have heard that it has great quality, but all answers are welcome! Thanks! :)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Fire Fighters at Collisions?
My department's custom is that we conduct triage on the victims. This means es their injuries and determine wether they can be moved before EMS or ambulances arrive. If they can wait until the ambulances arrive to be moved and boarded. Another task we do is secure the vehicles to make sure there is no fuel leaks or any other hazards. We do not direct traffic, we leave that to law enforcement. Once the victims are transported and the vehicles are secured we try to leave as soon as posssible so we can get our trucks and people out of harms way. Some jurisdictions may be different but that is the way we do it.
What do you think of my Fantasy Football team?
Derrick Ward and Joseph Addai? Really? Was this the "Who can draft the better quarterback pair contest" or is it fantasy football?
Help, My catfish are dying! :(?
well just make sure that you keep the water the way it needs to be and feed them regularly they should be fine but idk
I need some help/tips on these track/feild events please!?
Well track tryouts are monday & im trying out for discus,long jump,high jump,400 meter dash and javelin! Can anyone give me tips,advice,etc. about any of these events? Any information will be helpful(: you can also put some links to tutorials if you want,thanks!
Spider in baby room?
I live around Ft Bragg, NC and we just found a spider last night, Ive done research on it but cant find the dar thing anywhere. My husband is convinced it is a taranchila (however you spell that) but I hve seen many of those growing up in El Paso and it didnt look like one. It was about the size of a dollar coin maybe a little bigger, it was brown with furry legs and fangs and it had a very defined thin white stripe going down it's tail. Also the legs looked pointy. Anybody know what we're dealing with here
Weird pain in chest (like dull stabbing), fast heart beat, feeling as if I could throw up with no prompt?
With any kind of chest pain it's best to go to your doctor ASAP. It could be nothing but it's always far better to get it checked out, plus it sets your mind at rest.
What is your fave line from a movie and/or youtube?
"Shampoo is better. I go on first and clean the hair. Conditioner is better. I leave the hair silky and smooth. Oh really fool? Really! Stop looking at me swan!" - Adam Sandler in Billy Madison.
Why do I have to use sunscreen my mom forces me to use it?
Perhaps she just wants to be thorough. Doing it herself means she knows its done properly. I''m sure its because she worries about you. Perhaps there is a compromise you could reach?
Bad music and religion?
Please don't make the mistake of crediting Satan with being more creative than God. And don't be afraid to use your brain, ears, eyes, etc. That's all I'm saying.
Why do Christians ignore 100, 000 tragedies and focus on one unlikely survivor as proof of their god?
Can’t you see the intellectual dishonesty here? I mean, I’ve seen elephants in lounge-rooms that aren’t as obvious as this…
Is Creole a mixture of Black (African American) and French? If not, What is it?
I'm doing a project for school about my heritage. I am mixed with French, Black, White, and Indian. My family says I'm Creole, but they won't explain what they really are, other then we come from New Orleans, and we're known as the "Voodoo People". I am mostly aware of any other details about Creoles, all but what my question is stating. So please, dose anyone know if Creoles are African American or anything else? Thank you. <3 Oh! And what language do we speak? French? o_O
How do you keep your cool with extraordinarily annoying or idiotic customers?
See when customers are mad or annoying they want it there way. So try helping them out, with a small favor. easy to do!right?
An Organism's "Instinct" to Reproduce?
I always misread "organism" as "" and the questions suddenly get vastly less interesting when I realize my mistake.
What is the name of the airplane engine where the crankshaft stays stationery and the crankshaft rotates?
Yup they're rotary engines, usually 9 cylinders. It was too hard to set up an adjustable carburator to control engine speed, so it was set up that the electrical system would cut off power. You could have 3 cylinders, 6 cylinders or 9 cylinders firing or none at all. The weight of the engine acted like a really heavy flywheel and was great for going from level flight to verticle - the bad thing was it was so heavy, the torque exerted would cause the direction of steering to be 90 degrees off.
Shipping out for Army basic training In 8 Hours.?
Yay! I'm not sure if I should be excited or scared shitless. In 8 hours and counting, I will be on a bus headed for the hotel. Sleep till 3 am then go to MEPS. What exactly will I be doing at MEPS Wednesday. Do I have to do another physical and stuff or do I just get on my plane and fly to Fort Benning. Damn I'm so excited. Please any last tips for Basic or anything that would be good for me to hear or to at least calm me down a little. Thanks, Im just really scared.
Pregnancy after tubal litigation?
Just wondering if theres anyone one out there that this has happend to and yes ive had my tubes tied, and thinking i could be pregnant but just in disbelief that this could happen
Help With IB English A1 HL Paper 2?
I actually found this question cause i was looking for past paper 2 questions too!! lol i go tomorrow too! i'm nervous. ugh but good luck to us!!
Tell me, how precious is life?
As one who works with Beautiful Ones, I didn't like Baxter's attitude. It was pretty good though, I just wonder why they called her Mrs if she wasn't married and only 17. She's a Miss. She also missed the opportunity to help her baby.
If god desires our love and acceptance above all, why remain unobservable?
If god was directly observable it would remove all uncertainty of his existence, facilitating the best conditions for gaining our love and acceptance. isnt gaining our love and acceptance a priority over us guessing correctly that he exists? why would god compromise or hinder what he desires most because of something so trivial?
What do you think of this Plies impersonation?
Now that's funny!He sounds and makes the same gestures as him.Plies is actually Gary Coleman and Webster stacked on top of each other.
What's the next cl for me?
Yes, WoW question. I am wondering what my next char should be. I am debating between a mage, warlock, and pally. i do not want the usual *depends what you want to do*. I like to level fast, do instances, and the occasional pvp. being awesome at 80 wouldnt hurt. Ideas? Thanks
The monday night wars are back! Will TNA Pose more of a threat than WCW? TMNW TNA iMPACT! Week 1 simples?
TNA only averaged a 1.0 rating on March 8 which is sad considering all the hype it had so I don't see Vince seeing them much of a threat.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I feel bad because I got to an accident. I wasn't careful in watching for someone else's car before I made a ?
Your insurance may go up but not a whole bunch. Why even have insurance if you are going to worry that when you use it, it may go up.
What would you do if you yourself discovered incriminating evidence that your partner is cheating?
That would leave me with no other option but to throw him and his things out. I will never put up with that! I have no need or time for a man who will cheat on me.
What is normal ually for girls?
you r gone hu hu hu get checked i m serious but is very important like you need to eat something but you r gone to hu hu hu
How does a repeater work?
Yes you just put the repeater between the router and the destination, im not sure about wireless routers being repeaters, i dont think they can be though, id stick to the repeater to be safe.
Police Evidence Question?
Here's the scenario - A bank robbery goes bad and the robbers are apprehended. One of the men is carrying a sealed envelope, which may or may not be stolen. Would the police open it? Would there be an reason why the would NOT open it? What would happen to the envelope?
How do rattlesnakes care for their young?
All of the responders except one are way off. Rattle snakes care for their eggs by keeping them inside of the mother's body until they hatch, so they are born live. After they are BORN they are on their own.They do not have more, or more potent venom, but they have not yet learned how to control how much venom they are injecting.
Christmas list!!!! please help ugh!!!!!?
ok everyone knows christmas is coming up .. well i need help big time! it seems that the older and older i get the harder it is to write a christmas list.. so yea imma ask for help ... im sure there is stuff to write but like idk i cant think of anything .. ok im kinda girly but im also kinda punk .. i like stores like buh-yah-kah,-hollister,zumies, ect. .. i am almost 15 years old .. uh .. so far the only thing i have is the cell phone LG dare , gift cards, and the new ipod (green) .. thats it!! ugh .. see what i mean pathetic haha.. i already have a camera.. im not into movies or cd's or posters.. so yea .. and dont suggest clothes or jewlery or anything like that cuz i preferr to buy that stuff myself .. thats what the gift cards are for hehe. thanks so miuch!!!
Can I block a creature with darksteel mry (indestructible)?
yes you can block with the dark steel myr, the myr wont die by destruction or by battle destruction, can still die by being removed, infect, etc etc
Does anyone know what a dha party is?
My little cousin keeps posting that she is going to a dha party and I am really curious as to what kind of party it is?
Does anyone know about printers and computers? My printer is acting screwy..why?
Im trying to print out a lost dog fliar but it was comeing out all wrong so i pressed the on cancel on the printer and made another fliar to print out only this time it wasnt printing out what i wanted it to print out it was continueing to print the thing i tried to cancel.. i pressed print 35 coppies but its comeing out all wrong. i can print out what i want to print out because its still trying to print out what i dont want it to print out no more. Anyone know whats wrong and how to fix it? I've got to hurry up and make lost dog fliars. I have an HP computer and useing a ...brother printer? or thats what is says idk really know...so help would be lovely =]
Civilian ownership of an uparmored military Humvee?
if a base sells it you can own it...because there are a lot of military vehicles that get sold through drmo..i believe...and i have seen people ..driving them on the roads..now would the military ever sell a humvee...who knows but im thinking not
Wat is the best brand of sugar free gum?
I can't have sugar, so I've tried many different kinds. My favorite is Orbit because it retains its flavor and stays softly chewy until long after my jaws tire out!
Cosmic purpose-less-ness?
Cheer up, Mr. Arctic. Lots of people enjoy life. Even animals enjoy it, and their lives are often much more difficult than ours. They don't ask these dreary questions about the "purpose" of everything. They're too busy finding lunch, and trying not to become some other creature's lunch. Karl Marx said that the cure for the blues is physical pain. (I'm paraphrasing him.) Would you like more physical pain? I would guess probably you would not.
Do you know what Fall Out Boy's new song, "This ain't a scene, it's an arms race" means?
i absolutly LOVE that song...I've watched the music vid way to many times and i think it might b how they got started but then pete falls out a window and dies and comes back alive cuz it was all a dream then im like ok and what is this about... not very many rock songs make sence these days...o well i still love them.
Shoulder injury boxing :(?
Take it easy for a week and see if you don't feel better. If the pain persists after a week then seek medical help.
Help PLEASE!!! What should I do about them?
I've gone through this and really the best thing to do is go to them and say, "Hey I really don't like how you guys keep ignoring and excluding me and i would appreciate a little more attention, as we are friend..." if they don't care after you talk to them about it then maybe it's time you found more caring friends.... *gives you a hug*
Tattoo helpppp!!!!!!!?
Ok so I know that a tattoo should be a personal thing... but I cant seem to be able to come up with the saying i want on my own... i know what i want it to stand for but i need a good quote or lyric to have tattooed... so the tattoo that i want... is going to symbolize that i am unbreakable.. I have been through a lot growing up, there has been a lot of hardship in my life from every type of abuse to accidents where I should have died... I want my tattoo to symbolize that no matter what life throws at me I will be able to get through it without being phased.. I just feel like i was destined to fail but i wont let it happen... so anyway thats the background info on the tat... i need a good lyric or quote like i said before.. any ideas?
Are blond jokes racist?
Since we live in a society where everyone is hypersensitive about racial differences, blond jokes should be considered hate speech since blonds are mainly of Scandinavian ancestry. For one, these jokes are often of a disparaging nature: blond women are dumb. This speaks both of ism and racism. Jokes of this nature should be eliminated from our society. We could not make similar jokes about women with afro hair, nor would they be approved by our society. So I ask you. are blond jokes racist?
How far is too far when writing dialogue for YA readers?
I do use words like *****, slut, , ho and f. uck once. But most of the time they are used in a humorous way, and not in a threatening sense (more like gossip, if you will). My character's personality has to say these things or else she doesn't seem real. But how far is too far? I'm just sick of conservative people who don't like their 15 year old reading things like this. Teens do say stuff like this, and I don't really care if you like it or not.
How does this do in ending a tale?
A warm, delightful ending to the harrowing tale, with just a hint of residual sorrow as expressed in the last four lines. I have loved this series and feel a touch of sadness that it is over, as one always feels at the end of a wonderful story. Thank you.
Please Rate/Fix my Yugioh deck?
Wow this deck is bad I don't even know where to start. You know its bad when there cards in it like Hane-Hane, Remove Trap and Blue-Eyes White Dragon. It just looks like you put together a lot of cards you thought were good together into one giant heap of random crap. The only strategies i spot in this deck is that its an aggressive build type. The problem with that is that most good aggro type build ether swarm the field fast or is able to summon big monster fast and this deck does nether. I recommend that you pick a deck type and strategy that fits your style like a blackwing deck which can swarm fast and reduce the attack stats of your opponents monsters. But I dont know if you have the money to build that kind of deck so its really up to you. Think about a strategy you want to employ and rebuild the deck again.
How can i find equipments for my new amazing land?
i,m going to establish an amazing park like disneyland and i need some information about where suppling them to purchase.
Solar panels and wind farms?
I was sitting in APes today and we just began studying alternative fuel sources. We were going through some of the pros and cons of each and when we came to wind power the only real drawback was that it takes alot of land. I w wondering if they could combine solar power and wind power in the same area. For example, we usually put wind farms in arid areas where nothing is around. Now wouldnt that be a perfect place for solar panelss since there is nothing blocking the sunlight in the arid areas. Could they put solar panels on the wind turbines or combine a solar power tower to the wind turbines. FYI, the power tower is when you have a bunch of mirrors reflect to a high tower. Any thoughts?
Is the airforce recruiting actively for new airmen right now?
I have read online that the airforce is overstaffed right now and is trying to decrease its numbers. Would it be useless to talk to a recruiter right now? Please any information would be great,.
Why does my girlfriend like rough ?
My girlfriend is a feminist for women's rights outside the bedroom, TOTALLY submissive and subservient inside. She wants me to take control and "ravage her". Go rough , , f***, and say dirty things to her while we have . Pulling hair etc. Why does she completely opposite in the bedroom? She keeps saying things like "Mmmm put that big thing in me and rip my p..... up and dirty dirty stuff like that. I mean I'm not going to say no, but I'm curious as to why she likes it. Because to be honest, I love it when she dominates me instead. I think its y if she uses me as a form to get off but she actually wants me to like chain her up, hold her hands and go rough like that. Can someone explain? A girl perhaps?
How do you deal with depression without support?
4 months ago, I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and social anxiety disorder. My treatment consists of medication and therapy with a psychiatrist. I don't have any close friends, family or supportive people who are willing to support me. I will admit, my parents have done a lot to support me by taking me to a therapist and then a psychiatrist, then paying for my treatment and medication, but in the end, they really don't seem to care. My parents both tell me that 'my grades should be better now' and 'I should be making friends' now that I'm on medication and seeing a psychiatrist, but I explain that it's not that simple and my perscription keeps changing and my appointments rearranges, but they aren't convinced. Whenever I tell my father, he just says I'm getting a tutor, he tells me to stop making excuses and protesting like Ghandi and that "I can't use that as a crutch, everyone has a psychiatrist/ is depressed/ anxious." I feel even more hopeless knowing I don't have support.
Mcdonalds icecream plastic??
Question for real estate investors - has this happened to you?
They are in such deep sh!t the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. Offer $110. Good luck
What is a cash stipend?
It is a allowance you would receive if lets say you were Jonathan Higgins in Mangum PI and you took care of Robin Mater's estate.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Where to buy Essential Oils in Charlotte, NC?
I am new to aromatherapy. Well, not new, but It is time to actually begin doing things with oils. I was wonder where I could buy some in my city, other than having them come to me online. A metaphysical store or a local shop would be a great help. Thank you for your time and help. ^_^ I do appreciate it.
My 2.5 yr. old's food "choices" need to change. Is it ok to let him refuse the new stuff for a day or so?
Good ol' grampa loves to sneak him chicken nuggets SEVERAL times a week while I'm at work and my husband doesn't seem to mind. He thinks it's cute. Now my son only wants to eat 2-3 specific things and turns his nose up to everything else. I end up giving in because I don't want him to be hungry. He's at a healthy weight so I figure if I'm headstrong about only giving him organic healthy foods, eventually he'll get hungry enough and eat whatever I serve him...Right? Help! He's my first child so I'm trying to learn all this stuff...
Should i get an attorney if a detective is calling me & questioning me about a crime I didnt commit?
My mom co-signed for a student loan for me 2 years ago. earlier this year I dropped out of school and defaulted on the loan. My mom said I better paid it or she will report me for fraud/forgery to get this off of her credit. I now have a detective calling me questioning me about it. Should I get an attorney even if I have nothing to hide? Doesnt an attorney cost a lot of money for something like this?
Whats better a rugr gp 100 or a smith and wesson 686?
Hands down the S&W 686. Most all Ruger double action revolvers are overly bulky and heavier than need be. Now, if you want something better than the S&W look at a Colt Python.
Can someone please make this recipe for one?
You can cut the recipe in half for all the ingredients except the 1 egg... you have to buy a whole carrot and onion and a can of beans... why not just make the whole recipe....
Traveling from Melbourne to Canberra?
Hi I would like to take a holiday from Melbourne to Canberra. Do you know which is the cheapest way to get to Canberra from Melbourne? Which is the best located cheaper hotel/apartment in Canberra Central area? Any tours to recommend in Canberra? Sorry, I'm just trying to get the best deal actually...Thanks a lot for your help!
Do you think he likes me?
Is this a joke? This reminds me of the 7th grade... yea I would say he likes you and wants to act y but doesn't have the real confidence to tell you how he feels. This type of chit chat and flirting will probably continue until you both finally get close enough and flrt long enough that you dont have to ask each other out because you just realize you are already dating and then "make it official." It's really a pretty childish way of doing things. These are all signs he likes you but even larger signs that he is trying to cover his obvious lack of confidence with a paper thin sheild or arrogance and vanity.
How do i tell my parents i want to switch back to tighty whiteys? (briefs)?
I have been wearing boxers since my mom switched me when i was about 7 i am now 14 and i want to switch back to briefs how do i tell my parents? i feel like it is embaring. My dad wears tighty whiteys and i really want to switch back.
Ace Combat Zero: How or what way can i defeat the Schwartz squadron?
If your talking about the final fight before your talking about the battle before you fight pixie the best way to beat that stage is when you have your squadron behind you just fly low near the water and fly by the enimies and complete the main mission on destoying the missles before they launch
How can you reverse gangrene?
Naturally, the best thing is prevention. But in the event that you've already got it, the best thing to do is keep your blood sugar in as close to the normal range as possible and follow my suggestions below....
Which POTUS with Marxist friends & advisers said, "I do think at a certain point you've made enough money"?
0bama, the traitor who believes in limits on American endeavors. it's no one's godda*n business, especially not govt's, how much anyone makes by legal means.
Jewish peoples belongings in the holocaust?
they were really good at recycling, they used almost everything they took. This included using the hair from there victims to make socks for submariners. sor some reason they kept the photos after the war the allies found warehoused full of photographs from the victims. the took the gold from peoples teeth and melted it into ingots. Artworks were stolen and collected by NAZI elite, much of the artwork is still in vaults in Germany and Austria, because the owners are either dead or can't prove that they owned it before the war.
What should i do with a 94 corvette to make speed?
i have a fully stock c4 1994 corvette. i want this car to be beastly, without changing out the whole engine. so where should i begin and why? should i get catback exhausts?i want the most power and sound! prices doesnt matter.
QWhat is Da DA in english literature?
Look up "Dadaism" on Google. It is not English, but rather French, German and Belgian literature. It is not 19th but 20th century (the 1920s). The most famous dadaist poet was Tristan Tzara. Dadaism is not necessarily literature: there were also dadaist artists (most famous: Marcel Duchamp). It is a kind of deconstruction of art: art (or a literary text) is only such because somebody says it is. It led to surrealism.
What size capacitor do i need?
I need to know what size in (farads) i need for my JBL GTO-1201.1 mono channel amp.(details at JBL.com) This amp puts out 787 watts RMS. can you help?
How much do i feed my axolotl?
I feed it 1 frozen cube of bloodworm's every other day but he seems really eager so I'm worried I'm not feeding him enough. how do I know how much to feed him and how much does everyone else feed theirs?
How do i change my name display on Honda civic si?
I recently got a 2007 SI. When i turn on the car Diana's si is displayed where the clock and radio are. i do not have a owners manual. The car doesn't have a navi system just plan dash looks like this http://z.about.com/d/cars/1/0/m/4/1/jf_08civicmugen_Dash.jpg
I have a 2000 Mitsubishi Montero Sport. I can't fine a Trans filter anywhere,, V4A51?
I need help finding this filter,, it's a V4A51 Trans. 2000 Montero Sport 3.0 - 2WD. Everybody says it's the A340H Trans but it's NOT. Please Help...
Would you go if you were me?
Depending on the cost of the tickets. I would go if the tickets were $30 or under to see the people I like, then leave when Rascal Flatts comes on.
Need engine oil type/grade and capacity for mercerdes vito van 148 cdi .?
Use a Diesel oil (usually 20/50W) and it should hold about 4/5 pints. If not sure after draining old oil and replacing Drain Plug, pour some in wait a minutwe or so and check the dipstick level. If not at full level repeat until it is. Hope this helps.
Can stress do this daily? Could it be yeast overgrowth?
speak to your doctor about this, people on here are not qualified to make a diagnosis based on just your thoughts alone.
Why does Shaolin Wushu have to be what it is now?
When look at other Chinese martial arts styles (ex. Wing Chun, Baguazhang, etc.), the styles seem to incorporate fighting into their curriculum. Why does Northern Shaolin have to be the one to separate forms and San Da? If San Da is for fighting, then what are the forms for? I know that forms are good for conditioning the body so it can stay healthy an everything, but Wing Chun and Baguazang can do that too. Those two styles incorporate fighting into their currciculums. Why can't Shaolin teachers do the same?
With the economy like it is, how much will you spend this Christmas on gifts?
I plan to spend less. But I say that every year! Normally I will save for Christmas all year but still end up charging some on credit cards. This year I am using cash only- planning on listing everyone on paper & budget how much to spend. Instead of numerous gifts I want to take the time & effort to pick something they will love. Have family over & just enjoy the spirit of the season. Sort of an old fashioned Christmas.
Grammar question: "respect is an ingredient of a happy marriage"?
These words could work but if these sentences are going to be all together in an essay or something you're using them to much. Try and find some others similar that would also work.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I cant seem to find anything on cognitive or physiological approaches to why we dream.?
I have covered Sigmund Freud - which i think is a psychodynamic approach ? But i cant seem to find any psychologists who have come up with a Cognitive theory or a physiological theory on dreaming. Wondered if anyone could give some tips of where to look etc.
Body repair/floor pan restoration advice?
i have a 56 buick im in the process of restoring. the floor at the driver side is a little rough, starting from the pedal to under neath the seat. i ripped the carpet out and removed the seats for reupholstrey. i started power blasting the floor andgetting all the surface rust off and gonna put rustoleom primer on it. i also already cut out the rot so now i have space for the sheet metal..alright so now i need advice on patching, im not gonna weld it i want to use fibergl, how wouldi go about doing this? should i bolt the metal on then go over it with gl or what, make frames for the sheetmetal then bolt onto that and body fill everything? im really not sure this is my first car im restoring and i just need some advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
Went on a date with a guy last night - great chemistry ?
We wound up going back to his place and fooling around a bit. Now Im a big girl and can handle that if the mood strikes and we have protection I'll go with it. Im not promiscuous, im almost 30 and Im single so I feel I can be grown up about making the decision to sleep with someone even if we just met. Well after I made the decision in my head we were going take the foolin to F'in LOL. He stopped and started giving me the; last have some mystery and i think is better when you know a person and i think that was enough physical interaction for the night speach?????????????/ I was like huh? I think something happened and he changed his mind but what? I was a little angry and felt all riled up for nothing? I really liked our chemistry ? all night and morning ive been saying to myself " What happened"??? any ideas??What makes a man do that!
Christians, what is it about martyrdom that you find so empowering?
The torture device became a symbol of the sacrifice of the Christ because he died on the cross which is a representation of freedom from sin and it shows that it's possible to gain salvation it shows what Jesus was willing to go threw for the people in order to save them that's why it's a comfort.
Good romance/fantasy/modern girly books to read!!!!?
Have you heard of Eragon? It is both fantasy with a bit of romance, but not much. You might like it, it's a dragon fantasy about a boy named Eragon who becomes a dragon rider when he finds a dragon egg. The Host is by Stephanie Meyer who wrote twilight, it's about a girl who is taken over by the Wanderer and they both are in love with this one man who they search to find. I haven't read it, but it sounds good and they are making a movie of it. That's all I can think of at this moment.
How do I get the young women to stop shooting paint at my crotch?
I work for the fair. One of the attractions we have on the midway is the opportunity for people to pay to use a paintgun on a live target. The target is very well protected all over and wears a protective mask. I am in the current rotation for this charming task. What I don't like is when the young women come up to the gun stand. They just love to shoot at the crotch area. If they make a direct hit, and are with their boyfriend, they will whisper mischievously in his ear. The boyfriend seems to like this and encourages more direct hits. The worst of all is when a group of young women comes up. I do not like this, not even one bit. Immediately, they commence a-chattering and a-giggling. And, just as soon as the first one gets behind the turret, wouldn't you know it, straight for the privities! After each hit, they all jump up and down in unison, clapping their hands. I shouldn't take it personally, but can the women out there please tell me why they act like this?
Have you ever been disillusioned by PEOPLE?
I wouldn't say this was a phase for me, more like this is my personality. I prefer to be alone, I have friends that I've known for 10 years and I still don't trust them enough to talk about my life or anything personal with them.
Delta Airline Pet Policies!!!?
Okay, I have a Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) and I need to know Delta Requirments. I've called the airline and the employee was no help. I am traveling first cl so the seats will be bigger. I need to know how big the carrier can be, about sedating my dog (yes or no), what happens if your dog can not fit under the seat infront of you, and anything else you can tell me. Please help, my trip is coming up very soon!!!
My chihuahua just had dental cleaning and now she's acting weird.?
Well, my 4 year old chihuahua, Jewel, had dental cleaning today. She had to be put to sleep for the cleaning, and now she's wobbling around and running into doors, and she whines if she runs into something. I know dogs are supposed to be a little bit woozy after annasteshia is given, but she has been like this for 4 hours now. Is she ok? Can I make her go back to her normal, happy, playful self? Please help, I love her and I don't want a chihuahua who acts like a senior bloodhound.
PTA or RN? Help me decide!?
You have sort of already answered your question yourself. Go for the RN, it pays 50% more, and you can move into a larger variety of specialties.
I'm trying to buy a house and we didn't close on the 28th of june like it says so now we want to back out
Our house was supposed to be closed on the 28th of june, my loan officer says we need to sign the extension or there will be litigations...for what?.....If we were supposed to close on the 28th and it's past that date isn't the contract void? We weren't told anything about interest rate or payments they have just been plugging numbers haven't sent to the underwriters yet. Right now we are renting the propery with a month to month lease. If we signed the extension it will be for sep 30th, which means more months of high dollar rent. My fiancee need deferment letter from her college loans, about 10, she can't get those letter until september, but the loan officer wants her to apply for early deferment just for those 2 months so we can buy the house... but that program for deferment i'm pretty sure she can only use once...so what if we need it when the college loan are due....then we can't ask for deferment again. We do not want the property anymore. How can I back out?
:D hunting armadillos?
i need a nice gun that will get the job done to kill a armidillo. anyone have any suggestions? i need a quite one , i live in the woods in florida but about 300 yards away people live near me. it seems almost like a good pellet gun can do the trick.
The Republicans sure showed Obama, didn't they?
The article tells it like it is. The Republican Party is finished because its a party of inbred, southern whites who want to wage war on anyone who isn't like them. They got power in the South (the Nixon Strategy) by recruiting racists. Now, Americans have grown past them. They are history, and they don't even understand that they are impotent and irrelevant.
Guitar songs to learn?
Radiohead is a great start. If you like clic rock, Led Zeppelin is a great crowd fave, as can be the Beatles, and they're both easy to learn. For rock, I would suggest Red Hot Chili Peppers, maybe Blind Melon or Queens of the Stone Age. Give a few songs a listen, whatever catches your ear and is within your skill level, learn it. And worst case scenario, you'll never play that song but you'll be a more versatile guitarist for knowing it.
Has Obama's first 100 days been better than JFKs first 100 days?
Your kidding right? He has spent more and the international community laughs at him. He is a weak President and they know it. He bows to others he disrespects the US and is a total failure...He will make Carter look good
Why do people say that chicago vs. celtics was the best playoff performance ever?
the hawks did the same thing when the celtics are a better and much healthier team. The bulls did not have to deal with leon powe, kevin garnett, and james posey. I am not saying the bulls are not good plus i thought the way they played was amazing. i am just saying that it is not the best playoff performance.
Next Artemis Fowl Books?
Is the 8th book really going to be the last book out. Or do you think Eoin Colfer might even go higher like in the 20's. By the way, I just started the Opal Deception, so please try not to give away what happens next.
How much weight will I gain from this binge today!?
there is no definite answer, ik that its a hard thing to do, but forget about what you ate. when i binge like that i put my i-pod on and run in the treadmill for an hour. trust me it will help you forget about what you ate, and it will help you lose most of the calories you gained today. and when you listen to your i-pod get into the music and just start to think about other things, like guys, holidays, partys etc.
My husband has been throwing up all night and at the same time having water like BMs........?
He has no temp. it's kinda lower then normal. He dose have some back problems where the doc said that he would need to go to the er if her can't control his BMs. He is having bad back pain worst then normal. But his stomach is hurting so I don't know what I should do can anyone help me please
A man came from Australia
A man came from australia and always used expressions for food, so he goes to a restaurant and say's, i'll have some jive meat and some uncle fred and jonny rutter, what did he order?
What should i do?!?!?!?!?!?!?
my friend i used 2 like just gave me a necklace and i don't like him back. i like his best friend jameson. he thinks i like him because i never told him i don't anymore. may 29th is my last day in school & i think i'm going to tell him then. but i don't think i can wait any longer. what should i do?
Custom Golf Club Fitting at Golfsmith?
I'm looking at getting a new set of irons and was thinking of getting the custom fitted. Golfsmith has a decent deal going right now on trade-in when you purchase a set of clubs over $250 (which new irons will easily cost me). So I figured I would get the custom fitting done at Golfsmith. Has anyone had any experience with the fittings at Golfsmith? Would you recommend them for custom fittings?
I had recently bought two NJ Bamboozle 2010 tickets. The tickets are single day pes. Anyone interested?
Sadly, I won't be able to make this event. These tickets are only valid for May 1st. Also, I would be able to offer them for a reduced price compared to its valued.
How long does it generally take for your hands to get callused?
i was just wondering how long it generally takes for your hands to get callused? and if your fingertips are rough forever or if they become normal afterwards?
Iam in desperate need of help please help me with this?
hey everyone please help me with this problem. iam interested in becoming a story writer to movies or be a novelist but i dont know where should i start from. my english is not bad but not upto the standards of the present day novelists as well. so if you know please guide me to a website where i can get free tutorials on these because iam in desperate need of money for, from now on iam going to be the lone earner in my family and i have to gear up myself for this. so please help me i will be very grateful to you.
My mouse has a hunchback, is she getting old?
I noticed yesterday that my mouse, Circular Quay, has a hunchback. Is that a sign of oldness? I only got her in May and I'm worried that she is about to die.
Why does my dog have a small anxiety attack, or is stressed when I give him a bone, rawhide...?
or anything that takes a substantial amount of time to chew. He grabs it from me, paces around and whines as he does it. It's like he's upset for some reason. I don't get it. He'll finally settle down and chew away. Any thoughts on this matter?
How do you do a annotated bibliography?
I have to complete a annotated bibliography for my English cl on Shel Silverstein. I've never done one before so a little help would be nice. Thanks
What Vampire Movie is it?
This has been bothering me. I have tried looking it up. What movie is it when the woman drinks holy water at the end and the vampire (stephan) bites her then dies. It also has this scene where people are training in a gym or church then vampires attack.
How can I practice singing?
I'm a guitarist, but am growing an increasing fondness for singing. Especially when the idea of singing around a campfire in summer pops into my head, hehehe, but i digress. I think i'm an okay singer, but I wanna be better. Other than taking voice lessons are there ways I can train my voice or practice?
How to get rid of sunspots?
I have spots on my arms and chest, and I was told that they have been formed due to unprotected sun exposure. The spots look like circles with a tone a little lighter than the normal skin tone of my body. I dont know if its considered fungus or what but what could I use to get rid of these marks?
Were can i find jeans with a 34-37 inseam that are plus sized?
im shania im 13 im 6'2 (i knoe im tall runs in the family) and im plus sized and i need to find some jeans to fit me so i wont be wearing high waters any more and so i can stop wearing shorts all the time and stop sagging my pants help me plz :(
From a solubility table, how can you tell the state a compound is in?
Because doesnt the riles only tell you if something is soluble of not? rather than the actual state that a compound is in????
My 5 years olds family??? help?
So i got pregnant when i was 18 by my BF at the time, long story short he was a junky and ped away of a heroin overdose when she was 1 1/2 old. she was always my priority in everything i do, and still is. i never brought guys that i dated around her till now, i met the man i'm engaged to about 3 years ago now, where getting married in Nov 2009, she was about 3 yrs old when she met him, and they both look more alike than her and i. i know crazy huh? anyways she has no idea that he is not her dad, he treats her as if she is his, supports her financially, mentally, physically, ect. we added another addition to the family another girl who she loves and adores, she's a wonderful big sister. the problem i have is with her "real dads" family, he has 5 brothers, and obviously their mother, my daughters grandma. at first they supported my relationship, and then they where threatened by it, and telling my 3 yr old at the time, that he wasn't her dad, ect. showing her pictures of her "real dad" whom she has no clue about. it's been 2 1/2 years now, and i will not let her go anywhere with them by herself, the grandmother is very controlling and likes to put her 2 sense in where it's not needed or asked. i'm almost to the point where i just want to cut all ties with them, they cause problems with my daughter and her security, and also my relationship, it's very hard for my fiancee to continue to be her DAD, when she comes home and says hurtful things that they tell my daughter, and when her behavior changes so radically. am i doing the right thing by not letting them see her? or will she hate me later for keeping her from them?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Is anyone else sick of hearing about black in america II?
I was sick of hearing about it during the election campaigns. All of a sudden it was all about making history and electing the first black president. I wonder if now we can start referring to George Washington as the first white president and celebrate first everything for all races/ethnicities/genders.
Am i of great risk of surgery (being knocked out kind) in my lifetime? i panick about it?
as soon as i realised my own mortality i started to absolutely flip. i used to get so anxious and worked up to a stage where i felt sick. and so, as i chatted to my lovely parents about their experiences with surgery ,(my mum having her tonsils and appendix removed and my dad from falling off his bike and breaking his nose) i got really anxious - will this happen to me? will i need surgery? will it be painful? i started asking more and more questions which got me in an even worse state and i found out about the ventilation breathing machine. i was having loads of panic attacks and i was really scared of a machine breathing for you - what if something goes wrong? what about the icky tubes that are inserted into your throat? i decided to see the school nurse about my problem and was very comforting but i still was not 100% so i am seeing a councillor next week in hope of clearing up my anxiety. being cut open is another thing i worry about also. me worrying about this problem is not healthy and i really just want to enjoy my life as a normal teenager again without anxiety or trouble. it makes me think - can i really be that lucky to not have a major operation in my lifetime? my school nurse said people talk to you about the surgery and can give you special medication to calm you down? but please can someone help me put my problem to rest? thank you
Can I get a scholarship for college because...?
I was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa last year. I went into treatment it is really expensive my mom says its just like a house payment and shell be paying on it forever. But im in recovery now and am trying to lead a "normal" life. but because it was so expensive i was wondering if there was away i could get a scholarship...because the money is just not there.
Any recommendations for a singer with daily allergies all year and a dry/sore throat every morning?
I already see an allergist that gave me Astalin for my allergies. It helped a great deal, although not completely. I also use a Neti pot every evening. I drink plenty of water. I usually drink 2 liters at practice alone, and probably 3 liters on a normal daily basis. I even bought a humidified (warm mist). First night I had it it was all the way up and I woke up stuffy. On low setting though, my throat is not too bad when I wake up, although still a bit scratchy. I'm planning on buying a singers throat spray, but how often will I need to spray? I suck on menthol halls sometimes just to keep my throat lubricated and it helps my stuffiness. Is menthol OK for my voice? If not, what are some alternatives, and is there anything else I can possibly do to prevent waking with a dry throat?
I want to study at Le Cordon Bleu Sydney or London but can't afford the tuition fees! How do I find a sponsor?
The patisserie course is $26,000 AUD. I would be very willing to work for my sponsor or to organise similar, after I have graduated from 'Le Cordon Bleu' which is the ONLY Hospitality Institute that runs a 5 diamond restaurant, graduates are highly sort after from Le Cordon Bleu. Please help!!
Where can I find a Mohs micrographic surgeon to remove a resistant basal cell carcinoma from my pet cats cheek
My cat has had surgery 3 times to try to remove a basal cell carcinoma from his left cheek. He responds very well to the surgery and anaesthetic despite his 16 years of age,a nd the vet is always very impressed with his health. His blood level are apparently very good for his age, particularly after he had part of this thyroid gland removed last year to treat its overactivity. However, the basal cell carcinoma, which I am told is not malignant, keeps regrowing and is now becoming quite "invovled" with other localised tissues in his cheek and face. I have been researching on the internet a more suitable form of treatment and notice that amongst the various options Mohs micrographic surgery is available for humans. Judging by what I have read and what my vet has previously advised regarding the surgery she undertakes (being that she is unable to remove microscopic cells of the tuma and that these aggressively regrow) I would like to find a Mohs surgeon in England (pre south) to discuss?
Should Obama be forced out of office?
He will not be disgraced out of office like Nixon. He will leave office as a failure of all the hype and a two faced, incompetent junior senator at the end of his term once people realize what he is doing. Personally, I think he is poison for the economy and America. The gallup poll is showing that people are opening their eyes and seeing that his policies are not good for middle Americans and business owners - the backbone of the country. He uses alot of smoke and mirrors to p pivotal legislation. His major bailout policies do not do what he says they will do. If there is no turn around in 3 to 6 months, this will definitely become the Obama's depression.
At the audition everyone remained quiet. Why?
i sang "silent night" to audition for the university choir. now according to me and others my voice is good. I was accapted for the high school "Fiddler on the Roof" musical. I was in choirs since i was little. My friend who also auitioned for the university choir sang real soft and creaky, yet she got in. I auditioned and everyone remained quiet afterwards. People looked puzzled. I hav sang all my life I was horrified i didnt get in. They cudv said "oh honey some notes were false!" or something...but i just got this silence. I admit ive not sang for a year or two. sum peopl say i sing like Joan Baez. was i that bad??
Honda Express NO TITLE, want to register, PLEASE HELP!!! :(?
You did an incredibly stupid thing by buying a vehicle without getting a title. The person you bought it from is guilty of "title jumping", an ILLEGAL act. You will NEVER be able to make if street legal in a way that will not cost you multiple times what it is worth. You could try for a "bonded" title, but that takes a long time, and is extremely expensive. Now that you have it you can not legally sell it to anyone because it is NOT legal to sell a vehicle without the title. You're stuck. Put it in your yard and plant flowers in it, or take it back to the person you bought it from and get your money back...
I need some ideas!! plzzz help!!?
i hafta do an report about a king, dragon and a knight. its called writing frm pictures but i need some creative ideas!!! the first picture is a king sitting on his throne. the 2nd 1 is a dragon blowing fire towards a knight. in the 3rd 1, the knight is riding the dragon! pllzzzzzzzz he,lp!!!!!!!!
Is it possible to overdose on Vitamin B-12?
I'm going to start taking Trivita Sublingual Vitamin B-12 which also contains Vitamin B-6, folic acid and ginseng. I want to start taking these for my low energy levels as well as to see if this helps with stress reduction. thanks in advance
What are some ideas for a great and difficult 10th grade science project?
Hi everyone! At my school we are about to start our science projects. I need help with an idea for mine! I want to to be super hard and olmost unbeatable! Please help me asap!!!
Removing duplicate strings from array list?
ArrayList has a remove(int index) method, use it. Or are you supposed to copy the elements from myArr to myArr2? In that case you just use ArrayList's add( ) only when the element is not a duplicate.
Anyone know where I can find the beat they used in the Red Ball episode of the Boondocks?
There's two beats that I've been looking for. The first one is when Ming and Huey first meet (also used in the final battle scene). The second one is when Huey is pitching bad and the two chinese players that are on base start speaking in mandarin. The beat starts when Huey says something to them in mandarin and then hits both of them with the kickball. If anyone could post a link to a site where I can listen to these beats, that'd be awesome. A youtube vid with just the beat playing would be even better. Thanks :D
What time do the gates close at the MCG?
Say I want to go to a game that starts at 11am, but I can't get to the ground until 12, will I still be able to get in?
Could I get free money from my employer this way?
No if you purposely commit an act that causes you to be fired you are not entitled to severance pay.
What were your symptoms directly before labor began?
I'm 37 weeks, loose bms, can't sleep, nesting, having painful contractions (not constant) menstrual cramping, cervical cramping, 1-2cm, 50%.
Good MLB Fantasy Trade?
You got robbed big time. There is no way I would have given up Carlos Lee for that little. Lee is worth 2 for 1 alone.
My career help? im very confused! READ THIS PLZ!!?
im 18 years old, i've always seen my self as a business type man who goes to work in khakis or suit, go to meetings and have an office! i dunno what type of job this is? i know its related to bussines but i need helpin finding somethin that will match my dream! plz help
Do you fear 4 israel if obama absorbed (from his muslim kin) their traditional jew-hatred & anti-israel bias:?
and as for the peace process, if you dont know if a dog is still harbouring rabies, isnt it better to keep it qurantined, until you're absolutely certain that there is absolutely no possibility whatsoever of it coming towards you foaming at the mouth with a demented glint in its eye?
What is the music from the 2009 BBC Proms Advert?
There is a BBC ad for this year's Proms with this really nice piano music playing. It's very sparse, no other instruments - anyone have any idea what it is??? It's stuck in my mind!!!
I don't know if i want to believe him or not...should i?
so i dating this guy is going off to college today about 6 hours away. a few days ago he told me to send him emails about once a week to tell him how i have been so i can keep him up to date about anything going on in my life. well yesterday on facebook i noticed that he dropped me as a friend so i asked him what was up and i don't know whether or not to believe him. he was cutting ties from me for a few months. at first he just beat around the bush saying that he was doing the right thing and it was probably his fault that I'm not over him. i finally got it out of him that he was doing this for my benefit, that he wanted me to get over him and that would be the best thing for awhile b/c he didn't want to hurt me anymore. part of it was for him too b/c he just wanted to leave high school behind, wanted to move on and seeing my name everyday wouldn't help that. i don't know know whether or not to believe that. he isn't really a showy person when it comes to his real feelings and he has told me he didn't want me to hate him or be hurt me when he leaves, i really want to believe him but knowing him, I'm not really sure if hes telling the truth. i don't know if hes hurting like i am and there would be no way of knowing b/c he not really an open person. a bigger part of me believes him because he sounded sincere when he told me all that and that's not something i saw that much in the 4 months we dated...what do you think?
Does anyone have a good recipe for beef or lamb chops? I prefer something tangy, maybe a mediterranean recipe?
marinate lamb chops in zesty itailian dressing. Over night if you can. Beef can be marinated in olive oil and balsamic vinegar with minced garlic and salt and pepper.
Can I win my seatbelt ticket case?? How do I go about doing so?
Take your girlfriend as a witness, and you can,t lose. Usually the cops don't expect to go to court, and are not likely to show up.
How many miles from ohio to okinawa?
About 7500 miles if you take a route as the crow flies (a very tired crow) from Ohio across Canada and Alaska and Eastern Russia to Okinawa, Japan.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
What song is sampled in Estelle & Rick Ross' Break My Heart?
Just heard this song not too long & i'm havin trouble finding out what sample is used in it. thanks
The Whole WRAP-UP heap about AmericasNextTopModel..Mckey terrible runway walk, the suckish winner.ARGHH!!?!?!!?
Allison should have totally won!! She had an awesome runway and her commercial was a lot better than teyona's. She was even more confident in her show comments than I have ever seen her. In her last photo for the Cover Girl ad you can even see the maturity in her face...a long way from the awkward girl she started out as. She was ripped off by the "forehead"=(
Is it OK to think my new stepbrother is good looking?
I'm a 17 year old girl and my new 14 year old stepbrother has been living with us for a few months and we are getting along great. The only problem is I can't help but notice he has an adorable babyface and is a really good looking kid. Since we didn't grow up together and we aren't blood related, is it OK to think my stepbrother is very cute?
What do you think about the Pre-World Cup list?
Wow if you ask me Im kind of shocked! Perez? Really? Seems like Aguirre likes to call up his friends! I don't like Valenzuela there, don't like Medina there that's for sure. Bofo, does he really deserve a chance? One game really has not been enough to prove himself compared to other players such as Luna. But I guarantee you half of these players wont even go. Some of these players will think they will go only to get the news that they have to go back to their clubs, and thats if their clubs are even in the playoffs. Aguirre should stop experimenting and do the final list so that all the players can get used to each other. We need team chemistry so it can function well on the pitch! With 11 different players each game it is hurting us rather than making us better. Its 2010 already, World Cup s around the corner, 90% of all the World Cup teams probably have their final list and Mexico is still experimenting.
Is this guy worth it?
I've been through this on-and-off relationship with the same guy for the past four years. I'm as crazy about him as I ever was, and he really wants this to work out between us. However, unless I'm able to move closer to him - we're about three hours apart - he wants to remain friends and not talk as often. He's told me that he'd rather be hanging out with his friends than talking to me on the phone, but that he'd rather spend most of his time with me if he was physically able to see me. I'm willing to move in order to make this work, but I'm wondering if it's worth uprooting my current life for a guy, who I love very much, but who doesn't want to give me much time at all when we're far apart.
What do you think of these names?
I absolutely LOVE those names!! ADeline is beutiful and I love the name CONNOR that was my xs name though! lol. The middle names are a little funky but thats because you hear those a s first names not middle like my middle name is anne I mean seriously I do NOT kno what my parents were thinking! Elizabeth anne It sound like 1 first name! But getting back to you I would absolutely stick with those ALLLL the way!!!
What are some good authors like Jeaniene Frost?
I've just finished reading the Night Huntress Novels and First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost and I LOVED them. Fantastic heroine Cat and y vampire Bones were amazing. I've also read the Sookie Stackhouse Novels by Charlaine Harris as well. I've read the Twilight Series but I want something that is more for adults; any suggestions? Thank you (-:
Collegee essay question!! it would be plagurism if i take a fact from a site?
for example.. what inpired steven spielberg to do schindler list was that his grandparents were in the holocaust
What would happen if a two-door (2 way) teleportation device were placed into its reciprocal doorway?
hmmm, this question is pretty good. I get what your saying. If you have 2 doors, and place one in the other.....hmmm.....I honestly don't know, maybe the 1st door going into the other will disappear, since it has no place to re-emerge.....it will be forever stuck in the space-time continuum.
How do you value "Faith"?
One must have hope to have faith. Since I have not one, I do not have the other...in anything or anyone
Is this a "real" Christian?
I don't know, nor do I care. Besides, just like there's no true Scotsman, there's no true Christian.
Is it unwise to live with a live-in landlord?
Someone advised me against it. What's the worst that could happen? Isn't it better than having bad roomates?
Which american idol finalist is your ultimate favourite from season1 to season 7 ???
My all time favorite was Kelly Clarkson. Her voice blew me away, and she was so consistant week to week. The second part of your question is going to make me very unpopular, because I rooted for Bo Bice over Carrie Underwood from the start. He was vulnerable, and approachable..unlike Carrie, who never reached out to people on a personal level. But her voice is great, I just think Bo was more deserving.
What types of flowers, foliage, & containers were used in the renaisance time period?
If you look at different works of art from the Renaissance time period you will see a lot of these flowers: roses, lilies, snapdragons, columbines, primroses, daisies, and many more. You can still find all of these flowers today. Some of the foliage would have been ferns and laurels. Many of the flowers had symbolic or religious meanings. Hope this helps.
Ultimate JCVD bad-guy!!! 5 Stars!?
Sorry. I have not studied all these things during my college days.. Anyway, I will try to help by finding out the information from my close friends.
Who is better vela or chicharito?
idk i thought they played different positions, vela as a winger and chicharito as a center forward. vela has a lot of speed which helps him in his position while chicharito has hops that help him in his position. the goals per games played thing cant be a factor in deciding who is better because in the national team they do play different positions, i guess we will have to see who does better in the world cup.
Which of these are more likely for Wrestlemania 27?
Well Undertaker vs Wade Barrett with the streak on the line is pretty much penciled in, but I can't see Ezekiel Jackson in a world title match this soon, considering its Wrestlemania the biggest show of the year. So out of your options number 1 seems more likely because Barrett could send his "enforcer" Jackson over to take care of the Undertaker while he can try to take the World Title off from Edge. Either way its a worst case scenario for both.
Are my ugg boots knock off?
I bought ugg boots off ebay, they are half a size bigger than my foot size, I can't get my foot past the L part of the boot because the upright bit is too tight. I have a high instep but my feet aren't that big? can I stretch them, or are they not real ugg boots?
Where can I buy cool watches for cheap?
If you have interest,you can have a look at http://www.buy-cheap-rolex-watches.com/ or visit this website: http://www.cheaprolexshop.com/ they're my favorite,i once buy Rolex watches from them,the products are so cool and stylish,don't worry the price,they're very cheap.You can have a look in person!
How do I make my boyfriend jealous?
My boyfriend seems very chilled out and trusting when it comes to me - I wish he would show a little more possessiveness. How do I do something to definitely provoke a reaction that he actually shows or divulges?
Bitcomet limiting download speed on its own?
My internet connection is 1.5mbps to 3.0mbps. However BitComet is limiting my download speed to about 210kbps. I know that it is not a lack of seeders, because stopping one torrent or another results in another one speeding up, but never past 210kbps. I have selected no limits for uploads and downloads, however uploads seem to not go past 50kbps. My computer is hooked straight to the modem, not to a router. How can I fix this and get full speed downloads and uploads?
Can you give me some feedback on this section of my story???
I'm probably going to be one of the only person who is going to read the whole thing, but I did. It was pretty good. I love how you use so much details in the beginning. It really keeps the reader reading. It was a pretty good story, too. I loved the end, because it makes you want to read further, because you say "I knew I found a true friend." I hope you get this book published (If that's what you want :) Good luck with everything.
Help..Friendship problems?
well my best friend and i usee to be very closee cos weree best friends noww ever since shes started makingg neww best friendss from other schools, and is hanging about with them all the time. whenn wee go on facebook now itss likee shee always talkss too themm and hardly ever talkss too me as much anymoree.. and she mostly talkss too mee whenn i sayy hi firstt , andd whenn i doo talk to her she blankss mee and whenn i ask her why shess blanking me , straightt afterr she sayss shess noot, and she ignores somee my text too noww. But the thing is when i tell her about my family problemss etc.. all she writee is oh :/ andd thatss itt realli andd wheenn iff i tell herr can shee pleasee say somink to make me feel betterr, all she writess iss likee a sentencee whichh doesnt look likee shee put alot of effort into it orr sometimes she writes i dont no whtt to say. whenn shee really needs mee i right a speech that relli does help her and i writee loads of things to make her feel better. But thatss anotherr story whenn her other friends need her help shee writeess loadss to make themm feel betterr.Andd noww shess made anotherr bestfriend from another school it feels like shes starting too leave me outt.its like the other week shee askedd mee to go to the park with her other bestfriends shee didntt talk to mee much the only timee she did was when i made up the convo andd shee kept on walking of with them holding hands andd i feltt as iff shee onlyy invitedd me for sympathy cos in the summer she kept on going places with her other best friend and inviting themm to places sheee only invited mee sumwheree oncee.. just whenn i told herr bout it :/ andd it doess relli annoy mee whenn she keeps on talkingg to mee aboutt her bestfriendss andd stuff..just dont no what to do anymoree.i dont wana lose herr any help. thanks
Where can I find a decent fly fishing rod combo for around 100$?
a href="http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/horizontal-pod.jsp?id=0051114&navCount=1&parentId=cat20457&masterpathid=&navAction=push&cmCat=MainCatcat20431-cat20457_TGP&parentType=index&indexId=cat20457&rid=" rel="nofollow"http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templa…/a
My gf of 3 years dumped me and then got with another dude the same day?
my x of 2 years 10 months was on and off with me for a whole year, dumping me every 4 months then every 2 she finally left me right before the holidays, everytime we broke up she just told me that it wasent me it was her.., and now she started hanging out with some guy she met while we were together ,some 28 year old poser rockstar whos already banging her (after 2 weeks of breakin up with me >.<) , shes only 18!, she totally controlled me and manipulated me always, the relationship sucked too cause her attitude towards me got stale and would cause arguments.. it sucks cause she blamed it all on me when we broke up, as if i was a hindrance to her anorexia recovery (yeah shes anorexic too..) but i honestly tried to always show her that i loved her and found her beautiful (she is) but she told me i made her feel gross n crap... im heartbroken and i feel guilty, is this right?
How does one get a song out of their head?
Go through the alphabet and think of a song for each letter. Before you get to Z you will forget about the song you couldn't forget.
My unlce is dieing?
ok so im writing a letter to my uncle becuz hez dien does anyone know what i shuld write to him? its really imporant ..something that will touch hes heart and make him feel better...ideas ?!!?
Should i keep my 35mm slr or flog it?
should i keep my 35mm EOS 5 or flog it? whats it worth? do i have any reason to keep it now i'm gone digital nikon slr?
What do you think of these ideas?
No thats bad john morrison has bad mic skills he needs to do some more midcard time the miz is awesome and cena sucks and should be traded to superstars
How do I get to Her. St. SAV 7 Las Pinas City if I came from Taft Avenue, Mrt Station?
To go to Las Pinas you must ride a bus going to SM southmall. From the MRT Station go to the LRT station going to gil puyat and from there you can ride the bus going to LP. I'm just not sure where exactly SAV 7 is I suggest you check it in google maps. :D
Do you think young money is the future of hip hop?
now i LOVE LOVE LOVE young money (ITSZ YOUNG MULAH BABY!!!) but i would like to know what other people think about them as a label and a group. currently in young money: lil wayne, lil twist, lil chuckee, nicki minaj, jae millz, drake, mack maine, shanell, and gudda gudda
7 week old died Misdiagnosed diabetes by ER doctor Please help?
my g/daughter was found limp,unresponsive with no pulse on Nov 19 by her mother.They had her in the bed with them.The dad has had Type 1 diabetes since he was 14 and is on insulin.The neighbor began CPR as she was limp,had no pulse and was not breathing.The rescue squad got her heart rate back.She was warm and was not blue according to the neighbor when they received her.I just found out yesterday from a rescue squad person that her blood sugar was high.He wouldn't tell me how high.I do know that the emergency room staff thought she had shaken baby syndrome which was ruled out later by CT scan.They were focused on that.The doc told her dad her bs was over 300.and he promptly told the ER doc that he was a bad diabetic.His response was "this has nothing to do with what is going on here" They intubated her and transported her to a trauma center 50 miles away.Why they didn't airlift her I don't know unless it was because she was on Medicaid.When she got to the trauma center she remained unresponsive on a ventilator.Her eeg showed no brain activity on Friday night.On Sat her organs failed and she died as soon as they took her off life support.My sis works at the hospital where she went to the ER and she said the nurses said they couldn't understand why she was still warm.I noticed that she slept a lot and that she smelled sweet,but I knew they were giving her karo syrup for what they thought was constipation.I told them not too but they listened to her mom.They said they last fed her at 230 am yet a neighbor who ped by their apartment every morning on his way to work at 515am said he heard her crying.Her mom was 18 and her dad 19 and they both stayed stoned on pot.The autopsy,forensics and toxicology are due back any time.She also had a URI and some bleeding from her nose,I told the dummies to take her to the ER and they didn't.They called the doc on call and she said it was normal since they were suctioning out her nose with a bulb syringe.She was born a month early but she was gaining weight.This is driving me crazy.Did they roll over on her or could she have been in a diabetic coma.Was she crying because they were blocking her airway with their arm.were they so damned stoned they didn't wake up.Now they are stuck together like glue.I thought the death of an infant would drive them apart.I can hardly stand to look at them.
Which mascara would be the best?
ive tried them all but the best would have to be lash blash! the orange one then the second on and then the fourth on and the last is soooo the lengthening it SUCKS! dont get it :)
I need some help and some real honest answers I have been Bi my whole life and I don’t want to be this way but?
I need some help and some real honest answers I have been Bi my whole life and I don’t want to be this way but I am. There is this woman I’m in love with but I still have a strong attraction to men. Is there anything I can do to cure me of these desires? I have a shot at a normal life but I feel guilty over my emotions I was raised very Christian not that a bad thing. Is this something I just haft to live with or do you think therapy can help me? Fighting it in the past has caused me to have nervous break downs and really bad thoughts about harming my self. Now that I accept I have these feeling it has no caused me to be much less over stressed. I can see myself marring this women but I don’t want to commit to that if I cant control my feelings. Im at my wits end and don’t know what to do I could use some help
Muslims what do tou think of these hadiths from bukhari& muslim ?
maybe if u simplified everything then someone would answer. do u really expect someone to read all of that?
Guitar amp settings help?
Im trying to learn some new stuff on guitar but my amp sounds horrible. I have an ibanez rg and an epiphone studio-10EQx practice amp. My amp only has volume,treble,b and middle knobs. I usually play blink 182 stuff so what should i set my knobs to?and im also trying to learn some heavier stuff like the devil wears prada and lamb of god so what can i set my knobs to for heavier music?
File conversion? please i need help?
i uploaded a word doent to my flash drive. when i moved it to my school laptop, it asks me to do a file conversion. there are three options, Windows Default, MS-DOS, and Other encoding, but none of them make the file readable. What do i do now?
Monday, August 8, 2011
Why would someone have a problem with Affirmative Action?
I am a HR director and I have spent my career studying civil rights law and affirmative action. I hear so many people opposed to it. I think a lot of people do not understand what it is. Affirmative action simply ures that nobody can hire on the basis of race, , ethnic background, or ual orientation. Affirmative action is the enforcer of equal opportunity. The is no quota, not really. If you have only hired 50 white males between 25-35 then you WILL be looked into. You are not forced to hire unqualified individuals. If a black person comes in and a white and whoever is the most qualified and the best fit for the company will get the job.uming that blacks are not qualified is racist. No company is going to hire unqualified individuals, it does not matter your color. When Affirmative action first began, many people were still stuck in the seperate but equal mindset and change did not go well for them. So politicians ran with it and fed people fear instead of what is true.
Busch Gardens Williamsburg?
I'm suppose to go on Saturday but I was wondering if there were still coupons out for discounts. I know McD's and Farm Fresh had them this summer but i'm unsure if they still have them. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance:)
Fiending for drums!!!?
Well if you are still a young guy it is time to start kissing some serious with the parents. If you want them that bad enough you can offer to do whatever you need to do around the house to help pay for them. You can get a beginners set with cymbals for about $350. They won't be great drums but they will do for now.
I have a 9.99$ data pkg from verizon, Can I use youtube,& how much of youtube can I use?
I'm guessing that you do not have a smartphone, so you watch only a limited amount of youtube videos. And by limited, I mean VERY limited. So limited that I probably would not bother because before you know it, you will have ran up a huge bill.
Anyone have red eyes black dragon?
does anyone have red eyes b. dragon and is in Arcadia High school in CA? if you are, please tell me and I will buy it for five bucks
How has salma hayek helped our cultrue ?
salma has indirectly helped the culture of beauty so to speak by virtue of her producer status/position of the hit tv series "ugly betty"..her show promotes the idea that "ugly" is a matter of perspective and in fact, can be "beautiful"...
What was that game called again?
I saw this AWESOME text based RPG a while back, but I was too young 2 play it then. Now, I'm 13, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me the name. It had features like Ogre Race, and u could get special abilitys like Snake Fangs. It was advertised on battleon.com, if that helps. It was also Medieval
Does anyone have any decorating ideas on decorating my room?
You have enough things and all stuff ready to setup. I think only you need to setup all things perfectly with each other. Best place to search out room decorating ideas by Google and i remember a place you can visit here and find great deal too. It may be use full for you. Thx :)
Is the algerian secret service weaker than the mossad?
What do you mean by "weaker"? These are intelligence gathering entities, not combat units.
What's a good college with a great music department AND has D1 sports?
I want to double major in bio and music (choral singing) and I was wondering what colleges would fit that. I was thinking of UVA and William and Mary?
Can MMA'ers Explain this.........?
callsignfuzzy, you showing the videos only supported what he said because they werent combining martial arts, they were traditionally practicing only one martial art. but i agree that it is training that will help you win.
Would a friend who spoke vulgarity for 2-3 hours irritate you?
we have a friend who is great when sober but after a few drinks talks to his wife and others in general in a very vulgar manner. this has happened many times but this past weekend it was off the charts. he thought it was all funny but no one else was laughing. i think if he wants to talk smut with the guys .. fine. and if that is acceptable with his wife in private fine. however my husband and i wanted to leave after hearing this for over 2 hours and he kept interrupting people with his funny haha comments. we could tell his wife was ashamed as well. any suggestions on how to deal with this ?
PEOPLE FROM MAINE: where can i buy essential oils in farmington, ME?
I want to know a good store where i can buy mage equipment, like essential oils and aromatherapy things like candles and stuff. It has to be a store in farminton, maybe Augusta or Belfast, too. Farmington is the best place for me.
When a dog licks his lips?
Is he nervous? I noticed my king charles cav doing it when he is nervous? Also he barks at dogs on the tele does this upset him cos he gets quite angry?
Can i get unemployment , fired for sleeping at work, medical conditions and medicines?
You've got an uphill battle. You were fired for cause - sleeping on the job. Granted, they can't prove it on the day you were fired, but you admit it happened. You also admit your medications have a major effect on your ability to function at work. They are under no obligation to keep an employee that cannot perform his/her job.
Would like your opinion and (counter) suggestions on the following itinerary for Clark-Baguio-Manila-Tagaytay?
It's been raining here for the past 5 days and another typhoon is coming. With this kind of weather it's difficult to have a definite itinerary. The roads going to Baguio are prone to landslide. Yesterday the "ONLY" road from Banaue to Sagada was closed due to landslide, clearing of the road will take 2 days. Better post this question again a couple of days before your flight.
How to make a watermark?
my friend made a watermark for me and she sent it to which had a white background. I removed it via aviary. but when i saved my work i could not open it. I want to use a batch software program to put my logo on all my pictures without the white paper background. I do not know what i am doing wrong because when i try to open the saved file it asks me what program do i want to open it with.. is there a way for me to get the logo only and not the white background?! please help i am so confused at this but i would like my pics to have my watermark. thanks in advance!
What atari system did i have?
im trying to remember what atari computer i had, i cant remember much bout it, the base was a keyboard/box with a seperate tape reader thingy that used normal looking tapes!!! and a catridge slot on the back catridges simillar to n64's i think i had games like salmon run, space ranger and some 3d game which was meant to be a doom for the atari where the enemys where spiders it was proper retro even when i had it and this is about 10 years ago maybe even more? it had a basic operating system it looked a bit like windows because it had those window boxes and a trash can!!! any ideas?
Are we largely being conned in the retail food industry ?
Yes we are all the time, the wording is often set to receive as well things like saying low fat when there is twice as much sugar to compensate .Things used to be so simple when everything was bought at the butcher and at the grocery shop where it was all weighed out and you knew exactly what you were buying,yes I can just about remember those days when my Mum was given a chair to sit on and read out her list and the grocer weighed and put everything into brown bags. we used to grow alot of our veg and bought the rest at the green grocer ,oh dear , sounding like a grumpy old woman now !!
What do I do when my wife neglects me physically, mentally, and ually?
So you go to the gym, work out and come home knowing that you did this all not for your benefit but for the benefit of a woman who openly tells you that you are a burden and not a loved, respected husband? You have to realize how ludicrous that is. Why should you care about how divorce ravages children when staying with an emasculating man hating woman is ravaging your will to live? You are beyond silly and actually openly practicing a sadistic lifestyle that should be put to rest. If you'd rather be with her than be alone I'd recommend you begin collecting various alcohols and mixers for a first cl bar. Consider bartending cl or training yourself well so that you can do it yourself without the expense. At the very least enjoy something outside of the openly mean, horriffic lifestyle you have now. Mix yourself a couple nice strong drinks at night and watch some sportscenter or whatever you enjoy on a large plasma tv and tell her to screw herself when she opens her piehole. It may not be the peace you really desire but the best answer I could give you outside of leaving what I'd consider a hell on earth. Good luck
Does anyone know a place where I can keep or board a horse in or near Sarasota Florida for a low price?
Im moving to Sarasota florida an I really want a horse really really bad! I'm just trying to put a plan together so that I can work something out with the family. Does anyone one know a place where you can board horses for a low or cheap price in or at least near Sarasota, Florida.
GIRLS ANSWER::Is my lopside package normal?
I have an unusual shaped . My junk is so lopsided. The left nut is about the side of a golf ball, and the right is about the size of a peanut. My is a good size, I've been told...but I am always hesitant about bedding a girl because of my strange testies in my pants. Is this normal/a turn on/wierd/girls, what do you think??
What happens if I overdose on "Allegra-D 12 Hour"?
Is this medicine strong enough to get someones stomach pumped? What happens if I accidently take 2 of these within an hour?
Aquarium salt????????
i have 3 guppys and a yoyo loach and the person at the pet store told me to use aquarium salt to make them less stressed. and i read the instructions and it says how much to put in there per gallon ans stuff but it doesnt say how often i should! do i put it in everyday,every week or every time i clean the aquarium? 10 points best answer.
Ingredient list...High quality food? Yea or nay?
If you are looking for a good dog food. Bil-Jac (Chicken is pretty much all that's in it). Nutro or Wellness. All are sold at pet stores.
Who will win the Al MVP?
Joe mauer is the mvp everyone else is silly with no justin morneau and he carried the team to the playofffs
I dont know what i should do about my body?
I am 16yrs old, and i have F cup . Im not over weight atall. im average. i did not inherit this size. my mom is such smaller. im finding it difficult to find F cup s? as alot of sizes only go up to DD (double d) im finding it very irritating how when i get properly fitted, the bra always makes my sag. so i buy small bras about b or c cup to actually lift my breats and keep them in place so they do not sag. even tho this size is very small, and it can be painful. but i dont like them saging. i dontknow what to do. i try shortening the straps. but that dosnt work? im just getting irritated. i find small bras lift them, and keep them relitivly in place. my boyfriend loves my soze, i dislike it very much. they are still growing.
I gave him my number. When will he call?
There's this guy who comes into my work all the time. I'm not being self-centered, but I think he might find me very interesting and attractive because he stares at me all the time without being a creep about it. It seems like he just really wants to get to know me. I didn't push on too early in case he was only checking me out, but this has gone on for a couple of months now. I finally got the nerve to give him my number yesterday. However, at work I'm too busy to talk, and it's a long weekend. I slid my number to him, smiled and walked away. I think he was waiting to talk to me. I couldn't go over, and I was too nervous to look at him. I'm 21, and I estimate that he's around 32-33. Age isn't a problem for me though. I wish I had given him my number with a bit more "finesse". Am I being paranoid in worrying about how I wasn't very "smooth", and that because of it he won't call? From your POV, what do you think? Go into detail.
Powerpuff girls back on cartoonnetwork?
are they going to put the powerpuff girls on cartoonnetwork??? i saw the marathon and it reminded me of the good times <3 please dont give me stupid answers please
Where can i get nlt album?
i am in love with the band NLT and i know they're cd came out a while ago but i didnt get a chance to go and buy it. does anyone know where i can get the cd in long island ny
Why should it be an eye for an eye?
Check out the full quote from Matthew 5. Jesus brought a new understanding to the table. Turn the other cheek doesn't mean show no resistance to your hater. Turning the cheek forces the hater to hit you with his palm (like a man and not like a dog). It is a paradigm shift in the way peace can be used in conflict resolution. The main point is to reclaim an equality weather that means you must suffer or not. The first mile you are a slave, the second mile you are an equal.
Whom do u prefer, dante (DMC) or kratos (GOW)?
Dante. He's damn y and I like the way he carries himself. And he doesn't smoke. And he likes pizza. What more can I ask for?
Hp psc 1350v all-in-one printer won't work?
I have windows vista on my laptop, and the last time i plugged it into my laptop my printer worked. But suddenly now it won't work. I've looked at the hp help site and it told me to just plug it in and it would automatically install. But vista isn't recognizing it as a printer, it thinks it's a disk drive. I've tried plugging it into all 3 of my different USB ports and nothing works.
IS a human need - Why in the world do people confuse it with "Intimacy"?
No, no, no. Food, water, air, etc...things that you would die without, are needs. isn't a need. If you don't have , you're not going to die.
I casted a spell last night from my deck of spell cards,i want to know HOW long it takes for a spell to work?
Mine was a love spell for an ideal partner this one included a scroll of paper,two pink candles,green ribbon and a long stemmed deep pink scented.and refridgerate the rose for 24hours then unwrap the ribbon and bury it asking for the blessing of venus.how long do you think this type of spell will take to send out and materialise?WITCHES ANSEW ONLY PLEASE STUPID REMARKS WILL BE IGNORED.
How to get rid of blonde highlights?
I went to this store called Ulta like a month ago and they had this one hair dye and you put it in your hair and it takes out all the hair dye and highlights you have put in your hair and your hair goes back to your original color, they probably have it on there site ulta.com
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Mahogany wood used to cover the exterior of a single family home?
I am an appraiser working in San Diego. I am seeing mahogany wood used extensively in the building of high quality single family homes. In particular, I am looking at a home approx. 5000 square feet. The exterior is totally covered in mahogany with the interior also utilizing mahogany trim. Does anyone have some idea of the cost it takes for this type of construction using mahogany? Thank you!
Wotlk private servers?
Yes, I'm sure that there will be a few. Give it a month or so (so that the real hard-core guys can lvl up) and one or more of them will start up a website for their friends.
Do I have a Proximal Bicep Tendon Rupture?
I have most of the symptoms minus the disformed bicep. Although my elbow has more pain in it than anything. Is the pain coming from my rotator cuff? What can i do tgo get rid of this pain? I am already using a resistance sleve ,ibuoprofine, and ice every day sometimes twice a day. Can anyone help?
Area 51...................?
Can someone explain this to me? What is going on with UFOs and stuff and I heard that the government was working on teleportation and time travel? Can someone just give me some Information?
What should I do with my ankle?
Ok, so 3 years ago I sprained my ankle doing a front tuck in gymnastics.(December 2009) My mom said it was nothing, and would feel better in a few days. She was taking me back and forth from the doctor to gymnastics to home. Then in February (2010) they finally found out I sprained it. In june I went on crutches. The night before my ankle was hurting so much I was crying, so my mom took me to the children's hospital downtown the next morning. I was on them for a week, because I broke my splint and the doctor said that i didn't need it anymore. My mom kept insisting that I should've gotten a cast. He just said do these exercises with my ankle. I did for a while, they just seemed to be making it worse. Then I went to the doctor again, and he said do exercises. Again, it just seemed to be making it worse. I got an ankle brace again.( I have one from earlier that i didn't mention) My problem is it still hurts! My mom and I both have a feeling it has something to do with the bunion I have. Its messing up my entire foot, but I can't get surgery until im 18. I'm so mad at the doctors because they don't do anything about it! A few months ago I was at a chorus concert and I started crying in the car because my ankle was hurting so much. My mom keeps telling me I need to stop running and jumping and aggravating it. I know I should, I just keep forgetting when it doesn't hurt. I'm like a naturally active person, so...yeah. I was playing outside a bunch today with my friend, so right now it HURTS like CRAZY! Tomorrow with that friend, her sister, my mom and their mom, were going to a big garden place. LOTS of walking there. I don't know WHAT im going to do, I really want to go, but when I get home its really going to hurt. My mom just says, "When you get home, don't complain about your ankle". I just don't know what I should do with my ankle. It REALLY hurts sometimes, and I really want it to STOP! What can I do???
What should i do after a cortisone shot?
I had cortisone shots twice in my back. The doctor told me to bend over and touch my toes approximately 4-5 times. Then to move around as much as possible after that. He said it spreads the medicine.
Ideas for a tatto design?
I was involved in a horrible car accident, one in which i should have not survived considering what happened. We were driving at fast speeds and the driver got airborn and when we landed we ran over a stop sign, hit a parked car in a driveway and spun and hit a tree. I was not wearing my seat belt and the police officers said they believe we were going 90 mph at impact. The driver was decapitated and his g/f was sitting next to him in the car and i was behind the driver. I want to get a tattoo so i can remember always how lucky me and my best friend are to be alive and how much i love each one of them. I want to get the tattoo on the top of my foot so not many people will be able to see it unless i want them to. I was wondering if any of you artists had ideas or if you even wanted to sketch something for me and email it to me that woul be cool too. Like i said it will be on the top of my foot and i was wondering if i should do initials or names
When is the next bjj tournament near pensacola or fort walton?
hopfully an open tornoment, or a child's tourmoment. (im 80lb., 13 years old.) ive never been to a bjj tournoment, and ive been training for 4-5 months. still a white belt with no stripes, but im training with adraino lucio for this month, who might give me a stripe.
Well I just asked a question relating to the Papal Coat of Arms, so if you became Pope what ideas would you?
Have for your own? I would try and go back to having the traditional Papal tiara on the top, the mitre Pope Benedict has now just doesn't look right compared to his predecessors.
What do you think of Troy Westwood?
He is dillusional. He obviously is DONE in this league but he can't seem to move on. His braided mullet is kinda messed up too. As a Rider fan, I won't even go where every Rider fan goes with his comments that started up the Banjo Bowl. The Bombers have a kicker in Alexis Serna, they don't need to give that clown a roster spot that would be taking away from someone else
River Song from Doctor Who...is she the Master?
If you remember watching the episode from where the Doctor, Capt Jack, and Martha travel to the end of time and meet the Master.........at the the of the episode Doctor Who gives him a ceremonial death by burning his body........a woman picks up the Masters ring right as the end credits are to start.........Is that River Song? What do you think?
What can you do if your perceived and portrayed in a way that is false and defames your character?
There's a great book called "I Hate You, Don't Leave Me" which migh offer you some support and comfort since you've had that diagnosis. You might also look for a therapist that is well trained in Borderline Personalities and their traits. DBT is a great treatment format for the Borderline client and there are great successes in using it! Labels feel lousey, and its easy to get caught up in the idea that we "are" what we are labeled. But the truth is that human beings are complex and have multiple layers of truths. Your behaviors in the world have earned you the label of "Borderline", but "who" you are is not a title or label....Good luck!
Gastroparesis .. does anyone suffer from this ?
Apparently it's mosty found in diabetics ( which I'm not) but I've been told it's quite rare, incurable and difficult to manage. Does anyone suffer from it (or know of anyone who does) and can tell me how they deal with it ? Particularly in the UK ..
Chat for programmers - where?
i'm looking for a chat, irc channel or communicator for programmers (with a separate window for scripts). once i've seen one, but i don't rememer where was that. i remember could even use microphone and camera to ask questions. now i can't find anything simmilar by googling...
When did woolly mammoths die out in northern ukraine? HELP!?
i need to figure it out for my world civ project i just need approximately how many thousand years ago Thanks
Help with a simple inertia question please?
Two books are suspended on a hanging contraption with a sewing thread. One of the books' thread experiences a sharp jerk and breaks below. The other books' thread experiences a slow pull and breaks above. Which of the two breaks makes special use of the book's inertia? And why?
Opinions on some Poetry.?
okay i love these! your choice of words are great and gets me thinking! anyways great job on these! :)
Anyone want to help me fix this writing piece for fiction writing?
I'd love to read the rest of it! I can't wait to find out what happens. Please email it to william.carter@gmail.com. Thanks!!
Do you think the warden"s wife, Bobbi Parker is guilty ?
I really can not say at this time, and really it does not matter as her jury will decide her innocence, or guilt as it should do.
What can I do to help??????
I am sorry but there is nothing you can do. Her mother is on drugs or alcohol and is quite out of control. Normal people do not act like her. She need a rehab big time. She has to want to get help but if she doesn't she will not. She could possibly have a mental problem but what you tell doesn't sound like it. I am really hurting for her daughter. Her life is not fair and its not her fault. If her mother has an addiction quite often one or more of her children will have it tool Tell your girlfriend to not try drugs ever because some of them are addicting right from the first try.
Political/government question !!?
So I'm very into debating, but I don't know all the facts on my candidate (Patty Murray). So to be a true debater, I need to be educated, and I need some websites showing their voting records and laws created by them!
Why do you like Buddha ?
Depends, what Buddha are you talking about? If you're asking about Siddhartha then I like him because he symbolizes that the spiritual journey must start from within.
Am I over-reacting or being selfish?
Honestly? I think you've been way too generous, and your fiance has been taking advantage of your good nature. Fair enough he had to fly home for a family emergency, but allowing you to pay for more than half the wedding is a bit much. I don't think you are over reacting or being selfish, i think you have been giving a lot and getting very little back in return. Give and take is necessary as it keeps things balanced.
How do I adopt my dead best friend's young son?
My best friend was tragically murdered a couple of weeks ago. She was married to our mutal friend Alan together they have an infant son who is 3 months old and she has a son who is 1 and 1/2 with her ex boyfriend John. Alan has 2 daughters from a previous marriage that he doesn't see but pays child support to. It was her wish for me to adopt her oldest son Aaron with her husband Alan who is now living with me and my husband Drake. Aaron's dad wasn't involved much he would only see Aaron at mutal gatherings since Claire(my bff) and him had the same friends. John is probably going to fight us on this but my friend made it clear this is what she wanted. How would I go about doing this?
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