Saturday, August 6, 2011

So what do you think about a straight guy who has a gay friend?

After their friendship of one year, he's now figuring it out and has proclaimed to be phobic. He started to pull back and become afraid, after a week of silence, now he's overly friendly in a huge way, however everthing now has turned into shhh! Quiet- after ringing the doorbell and rushing me into his room with the door closed. He's teasing and driven to point of sharing (when that used to be a private thing). Now let's share thoughts and watch some together sometimes, also he has started this texting me throughout the day. It feels good, but the gay friend is the surprised one. Any straight guy out there with simuliar scenerios or can anyone explain what this guy is up to. One last thing, subtley he digs for info on the gay lifestyle. Gay guy doesn't know what to do? Help?

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