Tuesday, August 9, 2011

7 week old died Misdiagnosed diabetes by ER doctor Please help?

my g/daughter was found limp,unresponsive with no pulse on Nov 19 by her mother.They had her in the bed with them.The dad has had Type 1 diabetes since he was 14 and is on insulin.The neighbor began CPR as she was limp,had no pulse and was not breathing.The rescue squad got her heart rate back.She was warm and was not blue according to the neighbor when they received her.I just found out yesterday from a rescue squad person that her blood sugar was high.He wouldn't tell me how high.I do know that the emergency room staff thought she had shaken baby syndrome which was ruled out later by CT scan.They were focused on that.The doc told her dad her bs was over 300.and he promptly told the ER doc that he was a bad diabetic.His response was "this has nothing to do with what is going on here" They intubated her and transported her to a trauma center 50 miles away.Why they didn't airlift her I don't know unless it was because she was on Medicaid.When she got to the trauma center she remained unresponsive on a ventilator.Her eeg showed no brain activity on Friday night.On Sat her organs failed and she died as soon as they took her off life support.My sis works at the hospital where she went to the ER and she said the nurses said they couldn't understand why she was still warm.I noticed that she slept a lot and that she smelled sweet,but I knew they were giving her karo syrup for what they thought was constipation.I told them not too but they listened to her mom.They said they last fed her at 230 am yet a neighbor who ped by their apartment every morning on his way to work at 515am said he heard her crying.Her mom was 18 and her dad 19 and they both stayed stoned on pot.The autopsy,forensics and toxicology are due back any time.She also had a URI and some bleeding from her nose,I told the dummies to take her to the ER and they didn't.They called the doc on call and she said it was normal since they were suctioning out her nose with a bulb syringe.She was born a month early but she was gaining weight.This is driving me crazy.Did they roll over on her or could she have been in a diabetic coma.Was she crying because they were blocking her airway with their arm.were they so damned stoned they didn't wake up.Now they are stuck together like glue.I thought the death of an infant would drive them apart.I can hardly stand to look at them.

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